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The thing that inspired me to do this are bullies. You know how they are always laughing at someone even when they don't know it? Either because they have a problem with their body, with their life, or with their personality. They make fun of people, tease people, pick on them for those exact reasons. This piece was supposed to look exactly like my rough draft but I started to add some color using colored pencils. And using a black sharpie pen I outlined every line in sight to add more detail.  I like the way I tried to blend in all the colors to make the picture pop a lot more. Sometimes I would color outside the lines and so I just left it there. Many artists do that exact same thing so why not I do it. I have not improved my art techniques at all but I am pretty sure as the quarter goes on I will do better. I have learned that all art has a meaning even if it is a black square and you can make art better when making a mistake.

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